Vice Governor

John Chave
John was born and raised in Toronto Canada. His formative years were spent in Leaside, a small community just north of the city center.
He attended elementary school and high school in the area and then attended a Community College, where he studied Educational Media. Upon graduation, he worked as a Media Specialist in both education and health care. After several years, he decided that his interest had shifted to training and went back to school for qualification in Adult Education. He then worked as a training manager until he retired, working in both the public and private sectors.
John’s interest in Kiwanis stemmed from his involvement as a 13-year-old boy singing with his elementary school senior choir in the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival. Many years later when he was looking to join a service club, he thought of that time and decided to check out Kiwanis. He is certainly glad that he did.
Since becoming a Kiwanian, he has served as Chairman of the Oshawa Whitby Kiwanis Music Festival for eight years, three terms as club president, one term as Lieutenant Governor and two years as the Certified CLE trainer for his division.
John believes strongly in Kiwanis and continues to foster “The Formula “LOVE IT. SHARE IT. LIVE IT.
When he is not involved with his Kiwanis work, John spends time with his music. He is a working musician, performing whenever and wherever he can. He plays piano and teaches private guitar lessons. John is also a licenced “Ham” radio operator. He can often be found with Mic in hand talking to fellow “Hams” all over the world. During the summer months, John and his partner Sue, spend much of their time on their boat, cruising the waters of the Trent Severn Waterway in Ontario.
John believes that his next step in his Kiwanis journey is to serve in the capacity of Vice Governor of Eastern Canada and the Caribbean. He is thrilled to have been elected to this position during our Kiwanis Kickstart convention.
Respectfully submitted,
PLG John Chave