Convention Registration

Cancellation: If you need to cancel your registration, you must advise the District Office before April 30, 2023. After that date, there are no refunds.

A cancellation request received by April 30, 2023, will result in a refund of registration fees and Sugar Shack tickets. Polo shirts cannot be cancelled, but can be picked up at the convention. A $25 processing fee is charged for all cancellations. Transfer to another Kiwanis member can be done at no charge right up until convention



Please Note:

Registration is closed. Secretaries wishing to register delegates should click here.

Currently, the District Convention In Quebec City has more members registered than the capacity of the dining rooms. Please leave your email and information below, so we can contact you if the registration has re-opened. NOTE: Onsite registration will not be accepted.

Please leave your name below and click on submit.


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