Volunteers needed
Please click on the committee of your interest to see further information. If you would like to apply to join a committee, please click on the application form link. The number of committee members is limited, so not all applicants will be chosen. An alternative committee may be offered. Auditing a committee for the balance of this year is allowed.
To apply to be on a committee please click here
List of District Standing Committees
- Each committee member shall serve for a term of one (1) year, but may serve multiple consecutive terms. Most committees, assume responsibilities on first day of October. The SLP year commences the first day of April.
Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
Leadership Development and Education
Service (includes Children and Youth Services
Aktion Clubs, Builders Club K-Kids Circle K Key Club
Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
The committee will examine the district’s bylaws, policies, and procedures and submit any necessary or recommended revisions to the district board. They will cooperate with the board in drafting proposed amendments; and will report on all properly proposed amendments to the district bylaws. The committee shall also cooperate with the board in interpreting the spirit of the district bylaws when necessary and in securing the proper observance of obligations, standards, and practices stated or implied.
The Committee shall consist of five members, one of which will be a Past Governor. The members of the Committee shall be selected by the Chair from a volunteer list and approved by the Governor-Elect and by the Board of Trustees of the Governor-Elect’s year.
Resolutions (part of the Bylaws and Procedures)
The committee will review all proposed resolutions for consideration and recommendation to the district board and shall draft any resolutions directed by the district board. The Resolutions Committee may modify, combine, edit, or not accept any club proposals. The District Board shall have final authority on resolutions to be considered at the convention.
District Convention
The committee will assist the district board in implementing the official program and order of business for the conventions of the district.
The District Convention Committee shall have the responsibility of receiving, reviewing and recommending for approval, applications to host District Conventions and to ensure that all necessary documentation has been received. The Committee shall meet with the various delegations and make necessary recommendations to the District Board of Trustees for the selection of cities and sites for future conventions.
The District Convention Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of basic criteria which will need to be met before a club can apply to host a District Convention.
The District Convention Committee shall have the responsibility for examining the format, structure and programming of District Conventions and to make the recommendations it deems appropriate and necessary to the District Board of Trustees.
The District Convention Committee shall appoint one member to act as liaison to the current Host Committee. This individual will work closely with the Host Committee, attending meetings and providing answers to ensure the District Convention is successful. The accommodation for this member, at the District Convention, shall be covered by the Convention Host Committee.
The Chair of the District Convention Committee shall be appointed by the Governor of the year in which the committee will serve, with the consent of the Governor’s Board of Trustees. The members of the Committee shall be nominated by the Chair from the nomination list and approved by the Governor.
Kiwanis International Convention (part of the District Committee)
This committee shall assist in promoting attendance and participation in the annual Kiwanis International Convention
The Finance Committee Chair is chosen by the Governor-Elect and approved by the Board. The Finance Committee shall be composed of seven Kiwanis members: The committee chair, Governor, Governor-Elect, Vice Governor, a member of the current Board plus two members st large from the District. The District Secretary-Treasurer is a non-voting member and may not move or second motions.
The Chair of the Finance Committee should be a Professional Accountant with a designation as a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), or equivalent. If a qualified person cannot be secured, the Governor-Elect should seek out an individual with a professional background that includes familiarity with standard accounting procedures. Members of the committee would also benefit from having a similar background.
The committee shall prepare a budget of estimated income and expenditures for submission to the district board; receive and review the annual audit; periodically review any financial reports prepared by the treasurer; and perform such other duties as may be requested by the district board.
The functions of the District Finance Committee are:
- To know the operating plan and procedures of the EC&C Kiwanis District and its financial requirements.
- To prepare, with the assistance of the District Office, the annual budget and to present the budget to the District Board of Trustees for its approval before October 1st.
- To examine carefully and regularly the accounting system of the District Office.
- To examine and consider the report on financial operations for the District and its Service Leadership Program (SLP) organizations, and to make any recommendations concerning such reports to the District Board of Trustees.
- To determine the financial impact of matters considered by the District Board of Trustees.
- Carry out the duties of the Investment Committee as detailed in Appendix F – District Investment Policy.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Finance Committee, who shall not be Chair of the Audit Committee, and not fewer than three (3) other elected members of the Board, one of whom shall be elected chair. The committee will review the annual audit and recommend acceptance by the Board. They will examine carefully and regularly the accounting system of the District Office as well as examine and consider the report on financial operations for the District and its Service Leadership Program (SLP) organizations, and to make any recommendations concerning such reports to the District Board of Trustees.
Each district in the U.S. and Canada shall also have a chair for the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. The duties, term, selection process, and other details related to this position shall be determined by the Kiwanis Children’s Fund Board and communicated to the districts.
A District Chair for the Kiwanis Children’s Fund shall be appointed by the Governor. The duties, term, selection process, and other details related to this position shall be determined by the Kiwanis International Children’s Fund Board. The Chair acts as a liaison to the Kiwanis International Associate Director and has the focus to notify the EC&C Kiwanis Lieutenant Governors and thus the clubs of the grants available. A Division representative is recommended.
Leadership Development and Education
The Committee shall assist the district leadership in developing meaningful educational and training experiences for all Kiwanians at district conventions and conferences, organize and/or promote operations and leadership programs for incoming district and club officers, and promote continuing Kiwanis education within each club. The committee chair shall be the Leadership Development Coordinator.
The Leadership Development Coordinator is responsible for implementation of the education, training, and leadership development of club presidents and secretaries in the district using programs established by Kiwanis International. This person may have a role, at the district’s discretion, in educating or training other leaders such as Lieutenant Governors and Trustees.
The appointment of the District Leadership Development Coordinator is by the Governor and is for a three-year period as defined by Kiwanis International.
The purpose of this committee is to provide support and guidance to the delivery of prescribed training to the membership of the District, thereby promoting leadership development and effective governance at the club and division levels.
The Committee is to be Chaired by the District Leadership Development Coordinator which shall be appointed by the Governor of the year in which the committee will serve, with the consent of the Governor’s District Board of Trustees. The members of the committee include the Governor-elect, Vice Governor, Lieutenant Governors Class Chair, and the Lieutenant Governor Training Coordinator as well as two members of the District
Service (includes Children and Youth Services)
shall assist clubs in the district in rendering effective service in their communities.
This committee has the responsibility to administer the KI Signature Project Contest in conjunction with a District Signature Project Contest.
The District Long-Range Planning Committee shall have the responsibility of reviewing and developing proposals and plans regarding the future of the district and to make the recommendations it deems appropriate and necessary to the Board of Trustees.
The Vice Governor will be chair of this Committee. The members of the Committee shall include the Governor Elect and Immediate Past Governor as well as three members at large selected by the Chair from committees who will be affected by the current focus of the LRP committee. All members shall be approved by the Governor. The chair may add as many resource members as required.
The Membership and Engagement Coordinator is responsible for providing direction and support for opening new clubs and encouraging membership engagement in existing clubs via guidelines established by Kiwanis International. This coordinator will work in collaboration with Area Coordinators
The EC&C District Newsletter shall be the responsibility of the Newsletter committee with distribution by the District Office. Appropriate advertising is allowed to defray publication cost. The Newsletter will be distributed electronically and posted on the District Website. The Governor will select and appoint an editor for the Newsletter
shall encourage the clubs to cooperate on broad nondenominational lines to create a greater public consciousness of the importance of human and spiritual values. (
Preparing Invocations and Prayers Considering Diverse Faith Groups – 20.1
The District Board of Trustees encourages those preparing invocations or prayers for Club, Division, Region or District events to be mindful of the diverse faith groups and traditions represented within the Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District of Kiwanis International.
The Partnership Coordinator is responsible for connecting clubs with our District’s and Kiwanis International’s official partners and supporting clubs in developing and maintaining signature projects in their communities. The Partnership Coordinator may also help form new partnerships in selected regions applicable to those areas.
The Public Relations Coordinator is responsible for guiding and assisting clubs with public relations via various media and ensuring adherence by clubs and the district to the branding guidelines established by Kiwanis International
Risk Managers should be appointed in all North American districts.
The Risk Manager will instruct clubs on how to avoid or minimize risk and communicate regularly with Kiwanis International. This person should have a background in property or casualty insurance.
The District shall operate a website under the management of the District Website Management Committee.
Youth Managers should be appointed in all districts which have Service Leadership Programs for youth.
The Youth Protection Manager will instruct clubs on how to help protect the youth served by Kiwanis clubs and their service leadership programs and communicate regularly with Kiwanis International. This person should have a background in youth training, education, or law enforcement.
shall recruit and train a volunteer team to market the Key Leader program throughout the district; work with Kiwanis International Staff to recommend dates and locations for successful events within the district; and appoint and support the site coordinator for each district event. Note: The Key Leader chair should have experience working with teens, as well as good communication and technology skills, and must be able to attend the annual Key Leader regional training conference organized by Kiwanis International. Key Leader chairs are asked to serve a calendar year, since most events take place in October and November.
- Appointment: The district governor shall appoint each SLP district administrator, subject to approval by the district board. The service leadership programs committees shall begin their terms of office on the January 1
Aktion Clubs shall assist Kiwanis clubs and divisions in establishing Aktion Clubs in conjunction with community agencies or organizations that serve the needs of people with disabilities and shall promote the concept of continuing and effective sponsorship upon the part of the sponsoring Kiwanis club(s).
Builders Club shall assist Kiwanis clubs in establishing Builders Clubs in junior high/middle schools and shall promote the concept of continuing and effective sponsorship upon the part of the sponsoring Kiwanis club.
Circle K shall be responsible for the proper conducting of the Circle K District organization’s administrative functions in accordance with the Kiwanis district board’s approval.
Key Club shall be responsible for the proper conducting of the Key Club District organization’s administrative functions in accordance with the Kiwanis district board’s approval.
K-Kids shall assist Kiwanis clubs in establishing K-Kids clubs in primary/elementary schools and shall promote the concept of continuing and effective sponsorship upon the part of the sponsoring Kiwanis club(s). The committee also shall promote the Bring Up Grades (BUG) and Terrific Kids programs to Kiwanis clubs in the district.